
  1. I really liked the theme that is reflected in the cartoon since it does not only shows a concept, but also shows us that as future teachers we have to empower our students through new learning strategies that will make our classes more dynamic and motivating.

  2. I liked this cartoon because I see the teacher's effort to motivate their students,it is something value that teachers use these strategies to give English class different using materials such as speakers, paper, aids visual. Besides in this cartoon, I would like to highligh the methodology, as you can note the first English class was boring but teacher used new strategies and their students got a good performance. my friend Cristian good job .

  3. This little cartoon is really nice to show to future teachers, it is something that we can do in our future teaching practice.

  4. I really loved your cartoon because I could see the way a teacher, with a very traditional way of teaching, receives a constructive criticism and he attempts to improve it. And that is something that we as teachers have to take into account, the steady improvement.

  5. Students are helpful when it comes to choose good strategies to develop in the class. Once you notice or they tell you what is lacking, you can always find new alternatives. Because of this, I liked this cartoon the most. The idea is leaving the traditional methods behind and implement those who learners appreciate the most.

  6. Thank you guys for your comments! You did a good job Christian. Thanks for sharing it!


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