
  1. I like the idea that the cartoon conveys and is that we must fight for what we want, and do not let ourselves be blocked by the obstacles, we need to realize that everything is possible if we work with passion to achieve it.

  2. wow Carmen good joob!! what this means to me it's "never stop dreaming", we have to fight for the things we like, want and believe in life, everything is possible not matter what other people say or think. we have to build our dreams and cooperate when we have dreams in common with someone else.

  3. This is great, "there's not limits except for those we create in our minds". 😊

  4. Let's imagine a world where every person feels comfortable with the things they already have or with the goals they have already reached. They wouldn't be able to look forward other things. It would be boring. I think it is very important to fight for the things we want, in this way we will fulfill ourselves with good vibes. It is important to be ambitious, but putting limits to ourselves as everything in excess can become someway dangerous.

  5. I like the message of this one because we can find support in our friends or partners , that we can overcome any obstacle if we put out effort on it and don't get frustrated If we trust enough on ourselves

  6. This cartoon gave me a good feeling. People can accomplish or achieve their goals by having a fighting attitude and a positive thinking. Whenever we find support and work cooperatively, putting our creative side to work, we will obtain good results.

  7. Nice, it's really nice the message this cartoon conveys, I like it. We can learn from it that if we want to get something we can get it. It's just a matter of effort.

  8. Very colorful! Thank you, Carmen, for drawing the way you did!


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