
  1. This cartoons would be perfect to teach little kids an important lesson such as self-care. The mixture of colors adds an appealing pattern and the message behind it really manages to sink in. The same cartoons could be used to create more meaningful messages, so it really comes in handy.
    -Jorge Acosta

  2. This is like a little cartoon from diskovery kind, it has a message to be conveyed and as Jorge Acosta said, it is a good tool for children

  3. Awww, this is lovely. I think these tips are not just for children but for people in general. We are usually learning so many things, but we don't take time to love ourselves appropiately. Learning to accept and love who we are is important. "You can't love someone else if you don't love yourself"

    -Estefany Torres.

  4. I really loved it. For me, the last square, the one about self-love, encloses the other ones, as self-love is a combination of getting enough sleep, eating healthily, giving importance to our friends and family, and indulgind ourselves. To love ourselves is one of the first things we have to learn to do while growing up. Just being able to do so, we will find the will to accomplish our goals.

  5. I like this one specially because of the message about love yourself and also if you do not learn to appreciate the way you are , it's going to be hard to spread love towards the ones that you love.

    att : carlos herrera

  6. awww this one is really nice! the importance of loving ourselves without leaving aside others, or letting selfishness have roots in our lives, that's the way some people should think and act.

  7. Sometimes we are so overwelmed by the things that happen around us and we forget to do the things we like and the ones that really make us feel happy. This is a way of being creative by changing our own lifestyle and making it more meaninful for ourselves and value the importance of making something good for us.
    Abigail Benitez

  8. Cute cartoon, I really liked the main character from it! Thank you guys for your comments.


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